Elementary at Sunrise
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Elementary Principal:
Mrs. Melanie Adams

Elementary Philosophy
Psalm 127:3 - Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord.
At Sunrise we know that children are a heritage and a blessing from the Lord, one in which we as educators should not take lightly. God has given us the opportunity to work with these young children. As educators we view each student's spiritual and academic growth with the utmost importance. It is our job to prepare each student so they can go forward and do the work that God has called them to do. We prepare our students to strive for high goals through an academically challenging and Bible-based curriculum.
As Christian teachers, we should model our teaching after the Master Teacher who encouraged His students to grow spiritually to become the person God intended them to be. We strive to uphold standards and expectations so that students are prepared both academically and spiritually to move to Junior High School and continue to grow and develop, reaching their fullest potential and to live lives in service to God.
Elementary Program
Spiritually Minded:
It is our strongest desire to glorify God. In educating our students, from youngest to oldest, our Bible-based curriculum provides daily emphasis on God in our lives. All students attend Chapel once a week, as well as utilizing Scripture in memory verses. Our prayer is to mold, shape, and develop our students to have a deep desire to follow Christ.
Our Pre-K and Kindergarten classes use only A Beka Book material, which is phonics-based, ensuring a wonderful reading foundation for each child, because reading is the key to successfully being able to master all other subjects.
Our 1st-5th grades also use A Beka Book material, as well as the Bob Jones University Press curriculum. Both curricula offer an excellent academic program of study, blended with hands-on material that enables each child to reach their highest potential.
Fine Arts:
At SCA, Fine Arts are of the utmost importance. We realize that developing the Fine Arts is important in molding and shaping our young children. We offer an outstanding music program. K4-5th grade participate in vocal music with performances at each grade level. Instrumental Band and Orchestra are offered as electives in 4th and 5th grade.
Specialty Classes:
We strive to educate the whole child; this includes attending specialty classes each week.
Computer class is provided twice a week for K-5th grade. We believe it is important that children today be computer literate. By providing technology education we are empowering our students to function successfully and with godly wisdom in today’s technology driven society.
Physical Education is provided twice a week for K-5th grade. PE provides opportunities for our students to develop large motor skills and lays the foundation for a healthy, active lifestyle.
Library time is provided for K-5th grade. Our library contains over 12,000 books and videos that have been evaluated to ensure our students are exposed to words and pictures that honor God.
K-5th grade join together once a week for Chapel. This is always a highlight of everyone’s week as we spend time together worshiping and continuing to learn about our Savior.
K-3rd grade students attend Chinese class once a week. 4th and 5th grade students attend Chinese twice a week. These classes offer an opportunity for students to experience the foreign language instruction they will receive in Junior High and High School.
Regular events that are held throughout the year include:
Open House
Fun Night
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Music Programs / Band Concerts
Spelling Bee
Field Day
Kindergarten Graduation
Field Trips:
Field trips are organized each year in order to enhance the learning in each classroom.
An enrichment program is available that provides students extra help they may require in various subjects. Tutoring is offered during and after school hours.
Parent Involvement:
Parents are encouraged to get involved in their child’s class. Family Work Credit is a great way to remain an involved parent at SCA.
Community Outreach:
We believe it is essential that even our youngest students understand the importance of community service through:
Letters and Care Packages Sent to Soldiers
Visits to Nursing Homes
Missionary Families Adopted by Each Class
Grading Scale:
A 92-100, B 83-91, C 74-82, D 65-73, F 64 and below.