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       High School Graduation 
Course Requirements

Students may graduate from high school and be issued a diploma whenever the Superintendent determines that the student has met the requirements for graduation established by the Sunrise Christian Academy School Board. 


Graduation Commendations: 


  • High Honors: 3.9 unweighted GPA, 5 Honors classes

  • Honors: 3.0 unweighted GPA, 5 Honors classes

  • Distinction: 3.5 unweighted GPA

           **Highest weighted GPA of students attending SCA all four years of high                   school determines Valedictorian and Salutatorian. 


25 Credits Required


Bible (4),  English (4), History (3), Science (3), Math (3), Language (2), Computer Science (1), Fine Arts/PE (3), Electives (2) 


High School Graduation Requirements for Diploma: 


1.  The minimum requirement for an SCA high school diploma is 25 units of credit. This                    includes credits earned in other approved high school programs for students enrolled in                grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. If the required units of credit are not earned in four-years’ time, a            student may enroll fulltime for a fifth year in order to complete the required units of credit.

​                  a. One unit of credit in English every year a student attends SCA is required. English                        9, English 10, English 11, and English 12 are included. See ESL, EPP offerings                                below. Four credits of English or equivalent is required.

                   b. One unit of credit in Bible every year a student attends SCA is required. Included                         courses: Bible 9, Bible 10, Bible 11, Bible 12, Bible 11H, Bible 12H, International                             Bible 1, and International Bible 2.  International Bible 1 and 2 can be taken in                                    either order and repeated.

                   c. Three (3) units of credit in Social Studies. World History, US History and US                                   Government are required.

                   d. Three (3) units of credit in Mathematics at the Algebra 1 level or above. Algebra                              1, Algebra 2, Geometry are required courses.  Algebra 1 taken prior to the 9th                                grade can receive a high school credit but will not meet the requirement of 3 units                          taken while in high school.  The student will need an additional high school math                            course.  Business Math, Trigonometry, College Algebra and College Trigonometry,                         and Calculus are acceptable units of credit in the years following the completion of                         the required courses. Students transferring in will be given a math placement test                           to assess their skill level as not all transferring school’s math courses have                                       the same titles or scope and sequence. Other transferring math courses may be                               accepted for credit.

                 e. Three (3) units of credit in Science courses. Physical Science (name

                      change from Basic Science), Biology, and Chemistry are required

                      courses. To meet the Kansas Board of Regents Scholars

                      requirements students should also take Physics. The Board reserves

                      the right to accept higher-level science courses to meet the

                      required 3 units.

                f. Three (3) units of credit in Fine Arts and Physical Education. This

                    requirement can be met with 2 units of Fine Arts and 1 unit of PE or 1

                    unit of Fine Arts and 2 units of PE. This requirement can also be met

                    with extra-curricular participation. ¼ unit of PE will be granted for                                                  each season of a high school sport or cheerleading. ¼ unit of Fine Arts will be                                    granted for participation in each drama production. Fine Arts courses include Art,                         Advanced Art, Choir, Band, Orchestra, Theater Production, Debate/Forensic (1/2                           credit each), Set Construction, and Music Appreciation.

                 g. One (1) unit of credit in Computer Science is required. That course is

                   Computer 1.

                 h. Two (2) units of credit in successive years of the same foreign


                 i. Two (2) units of elective credit. Additional credits beyond the

                    requirements in math, science, history, computer science, fine arts

                   and foreign language will count as elective credit as well as the

                    following courses: Creative Writing, Cooking/Sewing (1/2 unit each),

                    Business/Economics, Yearbook, Family & Consumer Science, Great

                    Books, Speech (1/2 unit), Engineering Technology, and UAV Drone. 


2. Substitution, Retake, or Waiver of Credit:

                  a. A student attending Sunrise Christian Academy in the Precept Program and a                                student attending with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may earn                                          graduation credit for those classes and with modifications as specified in the IEP.                           These classes are noted on the student’s transcript with a (P) following the course                            title. A student taking English in the Precept Program may file a request                                         for required credits in foreign language to be waived.

                 b. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)—A student who qualifies for                               ESOL instruction may earn up to two units of credit toward the English                                           requirements, while attending SCA, in English Proficiency (EPP) courses. The                                 student must earn half of the required units toward the English requirements,                                while attending SCA, in at least English 10 and successive years as length of                                    attendance dictates. A student may not earn credit in an ESOL course and                                         an English course in the same year. Students do not earn credit for a Sunrise ESL                           course. Foreign language credits are waived automatically for ESOL students.

                c. A student transferring in for the final year of high school may request the second                            successive unit of foreign language to be waived. This waiver may be granted in the                        event that no foreign language credit has been earned prior to the transferring year                        or if one credit has been earned in a foreign language Sunrise does not offer. If                                granted, the student will take one year of a foreign language that is offered at                                  Sunrise. If the student wishes to continue in a language not offered at Sunrise, a                             student may also request to complete the second successive year of that foreign                              language via an approved online course.

               d. A student may request to retake a course while in high school. The highest of the                            grades received will be counted for credit and GPA calculation. Both course grades                       will appear on the student’s transcript.




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