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Sunrise Christian Academy 

School Profile

Board of Directors 


Sunrise Christian Academy is a not-for profit corporation with a Board of Directors that directs the operation of the school through a Superintendent. The Board is composed of the following members:


Dr. Caleb Bowers

Mr. Gary Smith

Mrs. Olivia Stevenson

Dr. Tracy Klein

Mrs. Sarah Cheatum 




Dr. Robert Lindsted 



Mr. Jeremy Smith

Assistant Superintendent


Mrs. Meighan Keely

JH/SH Principal


Mrs. Melanie Adams

Elementary Principal


Mrs. Peggy O'Donnell

Precept Director 




Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)

National Association of Private Schools (NAPS)


Religious Affiliation


SCA is not associated with any one church.  However, the faculty and staff are like-minded in the truths of God's Word and strive together to glorify the Lord with all that we do.  


Student Body


The Sunrise student body is the picture of diversity.  We have a large international program at the high school level.  This allows our students to share in other cultures and develop friendships with students of many ethnicities.  We believe it is also an effective tool to fulfill the Great Commission right here at SCA.




The Stanford Achievement Test is administered in K-9th grades.  The PSAT is administered in the 10th and 11th grade. 

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5500 E 45th St N

Bel Aire, KS 67220

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© 2023 Sunrise Christian Academy

(316) 744-9262

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